
Masculine/Feminine energy

While the masculine searches for meaning the feminine operates on feeling. It is an ocean with waves that ebbs and flows. It is completely unpredictable-at times irrational.

The feminine fsacred-feminine-energyunctions as a form of escape for a masculine man-a breath of fresh air from all of his reasoning, all of his worries and all of his responsibilities. It is free. 

But there are roadblocks to achieving this freedom. In order for a woman to truly operate in her feminine, she needs the protection of the masculine. A woman free of worry is allowed to be spontaneous, seductive and irrational. She is not burdened down by the cares of life. She is allowed to be care-free.

The more our society abolishes the masculinity in men, the more it destroys the femininity in women. Women are no longer allowed to live in the moment. We must keep our eyes on the future and on the cares of this life.

These roles can’t abolished. They can only be switched. I hope to find one day the man that will allow me to be a woman again.



comic books · Uncategorized

X-men’s Dark Phoenix & our hidden side

I am Dark Phoenix. Not because I am a secret superhero. I have what the philosopher Carl Jung called a Shadow Personality. And, I’m not alone. We all posses it. This hidden power to fight off any battle, defeat any obstacle and destroy anything in our path. That power is part rage, part pain. It’s the unaddressed issues Jean left unchecked from childhood. It’s the moments of rejection she’s experienced. And the shedding of the need for acceptance.



The hidden power of the shadow grows stronger. The more you repress it. Like Jean we all have a  capacity for good but few of us realise we have the same capacity for evil. A capacity for love and hate. For war and peace.

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.”- Carl G. Yung

We love to believe we would have stood on the right side of history.  Many in history believed they were doing so. Without seeing the good and evil in ourselves, we will never be able to interpret the good and evil in others and in the world at large.


Why President Trump Will Win 2020

Teflon Don will be our president for another 4 years. At least, that’s what I gathered from last night’s Democratic Debate.

While some candidates gained a few applause the debate seem to teeter on the edge of an all out sparring match. And who can forget this moment during night one:


And that was my main issue with the debate. The Democratic candidates spent more time talking about what they would do for immigrants than American citizens.  Kamala Harris said DACA would be her number one priority once she gets into the White
House. And the majority of time spent on night two, was used to discuss the migrant crisis at the border.

Don’t get me wrong,I do care deeply for those at the border, but I don’t think making that the number one priority will translate into votes for democrats in 2020.

Why not focus on: ending endless war, the student loan crisis, criminal justice reform, getting rid of the debt penalty, transforming urban communities, improving education both K-12 and college, or providing more economic opportunity?



Why Prince Charming Isn’t the Hero & Who Is

If you are familiar with fairytales, you know the story of the princess, locked away in a castle, protected by a dragon rescued by Prince Charming. But, what if I told you Prince Charming is no hero? You see the real heroes in the fairytales are the parents, the castle and the dragon.
The parents of the princess placed their child in the castle for protection. The dungeon and the dragon served as guardians of her heart.
The world as we know it is a cruel place filled with men who have self-serving intentions. The only way to weed them out is the castle. Without climbing the mountain to get into the castle or fighting off the dragon, there would be no way to tell if Prince Charming sought to use the princess or to claim her heart.
The castle and the dragon are symbols for a woman’s standards. Standards are the only way to know if a man value’s your heart.
“The enemy will come in like a flood but the Lord will lift up a standard against him”- Isaiah 59:19
Stick to your standards and no enemies of your heart will come in.

Why I Became A Carnal Christian



No one wants to fail at anything. Not even at Christianity.
Throughout my christian walk, I’ve constantly felt as if I was falling short.

I sinned didn’t spend enough time with God. Didn’t trust God. Didn’t surrender to God enough. It was always something I was doing wrong. And this was the feedback I received from several Christians-even those I loved.

I don’t blame them. I grew up in a place where calling out sin publicly was applauded while the sinners went home in shame. But exposing sinfulness doesn’t change hearts.

It had the opposite effect for me at least. I tried less so I would fail less. The more I heard of my sins the less I prayed. I thought maybe if I didn’t surrender fully to God or didn’t fully follow God I wouldn’t feel like I’m constantly failing at it.

But we all for short, right? So why do we do this? Standing on some pedestal and calling out this sin or that sin as if we are not all flawed in some way?
Works are not enough to please the Father. Christ is.